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ricky1992 @ricki1991 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 25, 11 at 2:01pm
my easter was sweet! my mom got me an easter basket with tons of candy lol.. how was yours?? are you planning on going to any conventions?
Apr 24, 11 at 11:40pm
Oh yeah, that might be fun to dance to and cosplay at the same time :D Oh ok, that sounds fun too ^_^ Cookies =D !! (lol one track mind >_<). What's your favorite flavor?
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 11:37pm
Might have to check them out...I give everything a shot so I can't say I like anything in specific. AS LONG AS its not heavy metal or screamo. With some exceptions. My favorite types would have to be Jpop, orchestra music, and dance music.
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 11:28pm
Starcraft 1 or 2? and I've never heard of them. What kinda band are they?
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 11:21pm
Oooo what CD? And I got peepz, jelly beans, reeses, and a few packs of dif. flavored lemon heads. Are you a computer gamer at all?
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 11:05pm
heh, if I was a girl I'd probably blush way too damned much with all of your compliments sweet talker. Lol. And I've had to abandon that personality at times in my area... It's done me nothing good. but my weekend was prty nice and relaxing. What kinda goodies did chu get?
Aw, glad she liked it :D It's pretty hard for a bunny to not be cute imho ^_^ Happy Easter =) er..I don't actually celebrate Easter but np >_< I still think it's a really cool, festive holiday =D I always love learning about other cultures..is there a special dinner recipe or dish you and your family usually have for it? The pocky dance is awesome XD !! Lol it's actually from an old commercial advertising Pocky..I think it's really cute, just makes me think the Japanese are even more amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiOvvMzebVk
Korded @korded left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 5:24pm
I found out I liked helping people by making some odd friends on Myspace, who had alot of problems and talked alot:/ Anyways, sry for the late reply. Just got home after spending the weekend out of town. How was your Candy Day?
ricky1992 @ricki1991 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 3:01pm
i want to but i dnt know who to go as, its a hard decision.. yeah i hope i can go :), it will be my first one.
ricky1992 @ricki1991 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 24, 11 at 8:12am
Happy Easter! no i havent been to any conventions, but im hopping on making it to colossal con, its in sandusky.. i think the dates are june 2nd-5th