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gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
So jealous! I'm afraid that if I did I would attempt to "liberate" it lol

yukiegold @yukiegold
yukiegold @yukiegold
They are pretty awesome! mater of a fact I have got to touch one before!

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
Very much agree but I don't think the second season would have hooked as well as the first did. So maybe a slightly out of order telling is ok.
Jujutsu Kaisen

Gabriel @gabriel_true
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I am thoroughly enjoying the start of the second season. I feel like the plot is being shown out of order though. As in I think Season 2 should be the start of the series with the movie acting as a bridge to Season 1.
But that's just me!
What's y'all's take? The art and animation appears more detailed too.

gunruk @gunruk
gunruk @gunruk
It would seem that most people whom I have showed romantic interest in have had similar feelings. It is perfectly understandable to feel as such and that's why I bring it up a bit early during the courting process. Like hey this is the very worst part of my past, can you look beyond this because I rather not waste yours or my time.
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lei_maiotaku @amarantha Salute for being honest and open. I hope you find someone who will truly accept everything about you. Rooting for you! ♡( ◡‿◡ )
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

gunruk @gunruk
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What Are You Listening To Right Now?
gunruk @gunruk solid song espically if you get down with berserk.
IRL pictures

gunruk @gunruk
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IRL pictures
gunruk @gunruk

Random front porch Pic.