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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
no sorry I dont speak or understand tagalog, I know little, like water and go away.
that cool, I heared hyperjanpan is good, I like to go to the london expo, but I don't think I'll be going this year in may time.

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
Thanks for the add

mercy_chan @mercy_chan
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mercy_chan @mercy_chan
Hello and welcome to the page, enjoy your stay here :)
I like rpg games, FF 13 series and also Tales Series games and many others.
I like anime and manga too. I am also Philippines but I was born here. What Covenation have you been too?

Gil-kun @giljan27
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Gil-kun @giljan27
Thanks again guys. Hope to chat with someone. Lately im watching depressing animes i dunno why lol. Shiki for example

Gil-kun @giljan27
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Gil-kun @giljan27
Thanks guys.
Senpai I have a top knot now i look like samurai haha