lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Great Daddy MH39
lei_maiotaku @amarantha

idk if I posted this one alreadt, but...here hahaha

lei_maiotaku @amarantha *already

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Well ohmkay you got me on this one owo… XDDDD

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Great Daddy MH39
lei_maiotaku @amarantha


Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Sounds like a crazy person well XDDDD

Curlycurr @cur_lypav A Capricorn vampire would be better. The sort to have an ambition to make vampires the only race in the world

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying

Angelic Cat~

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Holy crap its so kawawee OwO

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yes and all yours UwU

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 OwO is that you XDDDD?

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I was gonna say “me as a cat” XD. But I’ll find a pick of what I think I’d look like as a cat tbh

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Cute eitherway xD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Oh crap! My stupid memory lol, I forgot to find a cat pic sksksk

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Oh jesus lol XDDDD rip shortterm memory UwU

Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Great Daddy MH39
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
I posted a pic but I forgot to crop because it was a ss from gallery, and there's gay stuff beside it

Curlycurr @cur_lypav I just took a bullet for you man

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 XDDDD gj than? XDDDD

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Great Daddy MH39
lei_maiotaku @amarantha


Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 I still dont believe in horoscopes but i believe in you sooo UwU

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Great Daddy MH39
lei_maiotaku @amarantha


Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Tbh it sounds like me… imma take it XDDDD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 The barnum effect is very stronk in this one tbh XDDDD

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Great Daddy MH39
Pete Zahut @criselington
Don't forget to post, tag, or DM Lei so it isn't dry when she gets in haha

lei_maiotaku @amarantha Curse u guys hahahahahaha well am sorry i dont get tons of notifs and messages like yall hmmmmppphhhhhh

Pete Zahut @criselington I got nothing girl whatchu talking about

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Ehm i already did she never replied… sad*

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Even before you said so…

lei_maiotaku @amarantha Cause if I reply youll get notifs and I want ur MO dry asf too Hahahaahahhaha

Pete Zahut @criselington Oh damn she got you

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 God daymn girl atleast we would be not dry together but nooo you wanted us to be dry hayss

Pete Zahut @criselington Well it's a picture for her if she has your message and you have no reply haha

Pete Zahut @criselington Point

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Great Daddy MH39
Pete Zahut @criselington

Chin proof on GD page as well also @amarantha haha

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Wonderful nice chin XDDDD

lei_maiotaku @amarantha Ok but my question is...Why u giving dem fish lewd stares

Pete Zahut @criselington Hahaha wow okay I'll go with it *ahem* well I saw Ursula and she promised she could turn me into a fish in exchange for my voice but I should of know it was a lie... sad life haha

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Jesus cries please just let the sea creatures alone XDDDD…

Pete Zahut @criselington I'm trying to pull a reverse little mermaid damn it haha

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Great Daddy MH39
lei_maiotaku @amarantha

dry asf hahaha

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Wait imma help with that UwU

lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Great Daddy MH39
lei_maiotaku @amarantha

Tell us the truth...Did u answer that way when Ying told you that yer such a baby XD #pervert

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Tbh i didnt XDDDD

lei_maiotaku @amarantha Ah I see. Too shy to tell the truth. HAHAHA Alright then, keep your secrets XDDD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 I dont need to use any filters here since i didnt do it UwU

lei_maiotaku @amarantha alright then *smirk

Ghost @kuharido GD, nursing fetish confirmed

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Like jesus cries im denying it and you guys just shove it into me that was like the beein pegged thing and the foot fetish thing lol XDDDD thats all in your imagination UwU

Ghost @kuharido You're into pegging and foot fetish too? You're kinky, GD