Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Ahhh okay brb then imma go get her to come on right quick *cackles*... where should I post it in?

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 XDDDD whereever as long as its not dms XDDDD also why not all the threads? XDDDD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Okay imma call her that... in a thread or wall or something or her pm’s work to lol


Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
See I told you XD... do you think she’d appreciate that nickname or be embarrassed lol

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Why not both? XDDDD just do it dooo itt XDDDD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
It’s okay I don’t like much tea either so that cup we can chuck out the window lol. I guess I can call her... spicy tits cause she has boobs and likes spicy food XD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 UFFF XDDDD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Yeah your naming sense ks def unique XDDDD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Lol maybe you’ve found him you just haven’t realized it yet XD. Also she’d never get a bad nickname from me lol... although you think I should surprise her with something?

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Yes surprises are always good and fun XDDDD also at the same time i hope not im certain im not from that other side.

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Uke and seme is not my kinda tea

blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
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Great Daddy MH39
blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
Thank you so much! I think it’s bad and rushed but thank you mr. Schnitzel *smiles*

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Ahh~ that is your own fault, how does it feel to dig your own grave? Omg you took my advice and died XD. I also just realized I do have a nice nickname for you I occasionally call you sweet one. *wipes tear* I’m so proud of myself

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Wait a minute if i actually died shouldnt i be getting a man by now? I mean from your thread that was the premise sooo XDDDD. Also yes yes im also Very proud i guess you arent dat bad at nicknaming ppls? XD I hope your babe won’t get one of those Russian roulette nicknames XDDDD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
They didn’t do anything I told you I come up with the weirdest names and you are peasant, servant or manservant unless you want something a bit... nicer I can try?

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Actually the servant one i can understand since I was coming into the thread like a servant or worshiper at some point so yeah XDDDD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Toe-jam, prickle pants, pee drinker (don’t ask), poop eater (don’t ask again), etc. XD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Holy crap WHAT DID DAT PERSON DO XDDDD ITS LIKE you telling them to feel your wrath or sth xD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Esp the poop eater i have alot of question for that person. First of all how they feel having that nickname. Imma now nickname shame ppls here XDDDD

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Great Daddy MH39
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
XD how sweet she’d be gushing about how cute she thinks that is your let her do that lol. Yeah I love giving the dumbest of nicknames too, although to be fair hers are usually cute and sweet if a little silly... mine just sound weird XD

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Now im interrested in those weird ass nicknames XD. Imma regret this kne later XDDDD