[[I'm just a temporary collection of atoms]]
>I'll update this later..
Just an Irish weeb filled simpleton with a love for figurines and yaoi. Had to work in some pleb job for a few years there but now I'm figuring out my goals in life... kinda.
I'm a anti-feminist centrist who leans more towards the right so if you can't stand abit of banter then jog on.
I also tend to have existential crises over the fact I will die before I can watch all the anime that exists and before I can watch all the anime that is yet to be made...
>I'll update this later..
Just an Irish weeb filled simpleton with a love for figurines and yaoi. Had to work in some pleb job for a few years there but now I'm figuring out my goals in life... kinda.
I'm a anti-feminist centrist who leans more towards the right so if you can't stand abit of banter then jog on.
I also tend to have existential crises over the fact I will die before I can watch all the anime that exists and before I can watch all the anime that is yet to be made...