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Ghostless @ghostless
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Ghostless @ghostless
Aw thank you! I need to post some pics from my Bane photoshoot at NYCC..:3

Cid @tylor
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Cid @tylor
Im from North london sorry for the delay in replying it was due to the expo sorry
how you finding the site sofar?

Krisstopher VanDame @krisstophervandame
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Krisstopher VanDame @krisstophervandame
Ya it is. :)
Anime Characters You Can't Stand

gagalauren @gagalauren
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Anime Characters You Can't Stand
gagalauren @gagalauren
AnimeCountryBoy How can you hate Naruto and Ichigo?
Tis a shame :(
I hate Sakura from Naruto and I think most people on here agree. Naruto should go for Hinata as Sakura is lame and selfish.
Also Orihime Inoue from Bleach is awful. Her only lines are 'Kurosaki-Kun' and she has rubbish powers. She is redundant and only causes problems for the others.
Naruto <3

gagalauren @gagalauren
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Naruto <3
gagalauren @gagalauren
Yeah, I have never watched the dubs. Only the subs :) I have never been cosplaying before. I dressed up as Misa Misa from Death Note for a party in town and no one knew who I was meant to be ha