Jovem adulto que sobrevive aos perrengues da vida. De hobbies, curto animes, jogos e boardgames de todo tipo, mas aqueles que apresentam lindas animações, personagens gostáveis e/ou uma boa história me conquistam. Além disso, tentando aprender a tocar piano (até o momento, estou tocando o terror).
Adoraria trocar ideias com pessoas que tenham interesses semelhantes e de quebra criar minha lista de animes que assisti com minhas notas pra recomendar pra quem queira.
Young adult who survives the chaos of life. From hobbies, I like anime, games and boardgames of all kinds, but those that have beautiful animations, likeable characters and/or a good story conquer me. Also, trying to learn to play the piano (I make people cry LOL).
I would love to exchange ideas with people who have similar interests and create my list of animes I watched with my notes to recommend to anyone who wants to.
Adoraria trocar ideias com pessoas que tenham interesses semelhantes e de quebra criar minha lista de animes que assisti com minhas notas pra recomendar pra quem queira.
Young adult who survives the chaos of life. From hobbies, I like anime, games and boardgames of all kinds, but those that have beautiful animations, likeable characters and/or a good story conquer me. Also, trying to learn to play the piano (I make people cry LOL).
I would love to exchange ideas with people who have similar interests and create my list of animes I watched with my notes to recommend to anyone who wants to.