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Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
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Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
Going to any cons this year?

Wolffe @thesinfulotaku
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Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯
Wolffe @thesinfulotaku
Ello ^^ I would like t talk to you

Deleted @martinhazuki
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Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯
Deleted @martinhazuki
Omg your Cosplays are awesome!!! I am from the UK too :D
Baby Metal concert this Sat! :D

Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯ @fujiwarakimikoxoxo
Baby Metal concert this Sat! :D
Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯ @fujiwarakimikoxoxo
Hey guys~
i was wondering if any of you are going to the Baby Metal concert in London this coming Saturday in London? I really want someone to go with me as my friend ditched me and i have to go alone now :///
Anyone from the Uk? Please =s

Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯ @fujiwarakimikoxoxo
commented on
Anyone from the Uk? Please =s
Kimiko (◕∀◕)╯ @fujiwarakimikoxoxo
Heya!!! I'm in the UK :D