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22 year old Male
Last online 26 minutes ago
All I do, I do for you, France
Hnh. Don't remind me, now. I used to be one of the biggest assholes you could imagine. Hard to imagine but... there once was a time where I was something like that, and I didn't give a shit about anyone or anything. I've purposefully done horrible and cruel things to both people and animals. I however refuse to go into further detail about either. Just not exactly comfortable blurting out the side of me I aim to forget.
Jan 05, 24 at 9:42pm
Ah I see. Yeah. I see what you're saying. Because even the nicest person can be trash underneath. Like make them fill out their taxes on dial-up and see what they're made of. Though seriously, building a relationship takes degrees of familiarity and getting that right away is in most cases unreasonable. Even if a person is brutally honest, they might also not be keen on talking about themselves. There's also the people who hit too many corners of the dark triad... they basically ruin trust for everyone else. I do wonder if they can be made aware of their behavior, but chances are that it just makes them a better manipulator.
Curlymity @forgetmenot Apologies, that went a bit deeper than I'd hoped for.
yuuzora @yuuzora Whoops, lol. It happens. The important thing is you are growing as a person. So be proud of where you are. I think almost everyone has a potential to change when the right circumstances are in place, but there are the rare few that cannot and will not. Those are the hard ones to differentiate. Like, you try so hard to help someone and all they have is excuses... then they show themselves to be a total monster. But, it's also a 'you' problem because you help people who don't necessarily ask... there, now we're even. lolol. Burn it all down. Gotta find some fire memes..... post some more memes so I can steal them! XD
Curlymity @forgetmenot Tho, like I er... Edited into the original post. No matter how much power we have... Just plain bad luck can change everything. Fortune is one of those forces that we will continue to be at the mercy of for eternity. However, as humans, we have the ability to possess the resolve to reveal the path before us. Lady Luck hates Optimists. And... don't worry the only fire memes I have are of the Joestar Mansion burning. LOL
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, some people have the Luck of the Irish... which if you aren't aware, was *always* and insult. lolol Rude. I guess I gotta draw some memes. I am not cool enough for that Jojo style though. :,)
Curlymity @forgetmenot You know what's fucking funny? The fact that you mention that, and my gf is actually Irish.
Curlymity @forgetmenot "Luck of the Irish", Irish lover, love at first sight. Crazy.
yuuzora @yuuzora Yeah, she's of the fae if she has anything other than shit luck. Protect her at all costs.
Yeah, but realistically. Never put any hope onto love at first sight. You ever play a game and farming for a rare item and it takes you hours on hours? It's like that but hours = years. I do take great pride in my luck, in understanding of its worth.
Jan 05, 24 at 9:24pm
Your opinion is still valid. If anything I think people listen more because you're a guy. And that is a good point. To be fair, I'm basically ace, so the thought of immediate attraction is a very foreign concept to me.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Jan 05, 24 at 12:34pm
She's sharing her sandvich with you. https://cdn.donmai.us/original/38/d3/__meowscarada_pokemon_drawn_by_kaminokefusa__38d3ad3d278642bc0a51ae4e64424d59.jpg
Curlymity @forgetmenot Kinda hard when I hear an otherworldly Russian voice in my head saying "Who touched my sandvich?" Accompanied well as a weird mechanical whirring sound.
Ghost @kuharido Heavy will be kind to you
Curlymity @forgetmenot I forgot that heavy is also a degenerate weeb like us. He understands the desire to dinner date with your beloved Pokémon. Anything to tighten that bond...
Ghost @kuharido Maybe Pyro will join us too
Curlymity @forgetmenot I can actually imagine Scout flirting with Meowscarada like it's the norm.
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Jan 03, 24 at 1:40pm
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Jan 03, 24 at 12:50pm
I want Rarity to boss me around https://media1.tenor.com/m/VDscMZLdpeoAAAAC/rarity-my-little-pony.gif
Curlymity @forgetmenot If you've played Dragon Age Inquisition, Rarity really reminds me of Vivienne. They just have so much in common. Rarity would be a master of "The Grand Game"
Welcome to the future. We have technologies of heat but not of flame. Ovens, Microwaves, Heaters, washers, and dryers, and dishwashers! Technology is truly a marvelous thing, is it not? (Get what I'm doing here? Talking about the marvels of Technology when Zane himself is a cyborg, or well... "Nindroid")
your clearly lying hes the ice ninja thats like trying to set water on fire
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Curlymity
Jan 02, 24 at 1:52pm
I just got choked on my own fucking hair, and now I have a cough. Never feel dumb, because I exist.