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30 year old Male
Last online 17 days ago
rural valley, PA
night everyone~ http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/1475/1475790-bigthumbnail.jpg
oheylens @oheylens left a comment for Flightless
Oct 27, 15 at 5:39pm
How do you control it? o.o AT LEAST UR NOT DEAD. Haha I think you should be more worried about me honking my horn, "KAMEHAMEHAAA. KAMEHAMEHAAA" it's probably why it's taking 40 mins to drive a block xD though it's highly likely its cuz u murdered me for honking too much hahah. I see I see. Share some with me, and in return I'll tell u some of my nonexistent drunk stories xp
oheylens @oheylens left a comment for Flightless
Oct 27, 15 at 3:50pm
it's a mouthful lol but what is this rubberband of flight? haha, that's fine. i'm so safe u won't even know we're moving xD OMG, that's genius! 1000x better than a clown horn. i'd press that button all day not saying anything lol just wanna see people be stupid xD
Skyla @skyla left a comment for Flightless
Oct 27, 15 at 3:44pm
My day was good! Yours?
Skyla @skyla left a comment for Flightless
Oct 27, 15 at 3:15pm
As do I. ^-^
oheylens @oheylens left a comment for Flightless
Oct 27, 15 at 12:28pm
The best of your generation huh? Should I be worried? I don't think glue is gonna hold haha especially if you plan on using cardboard xD U won't xD I'm a safe driver. Swear lol. Clown horn? That's lameee. Pick something cooler haha. Yeah, should've thought twice before building a Lego bridge~ Lolol, I'd like to see you lose yourself. Now that'd be fun to watch xD wonder if you'll become a drunk animal yourseld haha
Luxus @superluxus left a comment for Flightless
Oct 27, 15 at 11:11am
Oct 27, 15 at 9:07am
Oct 27, 15 at 7:23am
They are really soft, my cats always try to use mine so I put it away most of the time ;-; Yeah. Ohh haha yeah. I was like that at one point too, literally falling in "love" with everyone I talked too. But after I got hurt so many times I guess it changed? It is fun, aww ;-; that must suck a bit. Haha I would if I had money to spare to experiment XD don't need to make something nasty and waste it. Yeah I hope so. Right now it's like "what the heck is going on I don't know" mainly because one day I'm in high school and the next everyone wants you to grow up and pay bills.
Oct 27, 15 at 6:25am
Ohh that's cool! Mine is a custom Syo Kurusu one lmao Yeah I think a bunch of people know the sad felling. I'm the same except I'm Demisexual which means I only like people if I get a strong emotional connection. Reason why I'm so dense when it comes to people liking me. Think of me as the RL Ichika from IS. Ohh that's awesome! Cooking is so interesting, not that I'm the best at it without a recipe XD well luck is a good thing to have ouo' not that I have it *sob* Same except I don't usually have money sometimes.
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