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exra @exra
exra @exra
If overcoming pain makes us stronger does that mean
if there was a World without pain would we as individuals cease to grow
so does that mean that pain is a necessary part of living and we would die without it?

exra @exra
exra @exra
Every Culture has the concepts of Demons,Dragons,and Gods the question is how and why?

exra @exra
exra @exra
All things are born from nothing and eventually all things must return to nothing.
cyberpunk edgerunners

exra @exra
commented on
cyberpunk edgerunners
exra @exra
If they ever made a second season of cyberpuck: edgerunners what do you thinks it would be about?
cyberpunk edgerunners

exra @exra
cyberpunk edgerunners
exra @exra
A place for people to talk about cyberpunk edgerunners together.