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chimerayuri @chimerayuri
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chimerayuri @chimerayuri
Hey what’s up?

Medyas @medyas
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Medyas @medyas
Hey! What's up?

eunmikitty @eunmikitty Heyy how are u
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,

eunmikitty @eunmikitty
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Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
eunmikitty @eunmikitty
Thank you everyone for your input ❤️
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,

eunmikitty @eunmikitty
Do you feel like ur soulmate lives elsewhere,
eunmikitty @eunmikitty
A lot of times, ppl have asked me why idk how to date in my own state and why most of my relationships end up being ldr’s. Simple I’m and extroverted introvert abs find it hard to walk up to someone and start a conversation (unless I’m like wasted). So i tend to be more myself online where idk ppl can’t hurt me? But they can? It’s weird.