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28 year old Female
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 20, 19 at 8:00pm
Oh, that's pretty interesting that the Sami also have something like reservations as well. Hmm, I don't know any close Native Americans or the like, so I can't say anything with confidence. Most of it is some conjecture and stuff I've heard from my old Native American friends in elementary school. I've heard of stereotypes that Native Americans get to open Casinos and maybe they aren't taxed by the government? Also maybe they don't have to pay property taxes as long as they're on their reservation. I think they get some perks for education as well. Maybe they get some reparations from the government every year as well? But yea, like I mentioned, most of this are just conjectures or some stereotypes, cuz I don't want to offend any Native Americans. That counts I think. I was just curious if you became more independent from the experience or learned anything from it. For me, I realize that it's quite difficult for me to make friends and I don't know what I would do if one day I became an orphan. My family is very important to me. Also that I need to stay busy to stave off loneliness and the like. But I mainly confirmed that I could live on my own and survive.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 18, 19 at 3:54pm
Oh, that's interesting. I wonder if they have protected land for themselves. Here in the States, the Native Americans have reservations. Plus they get some perks from the government b/c of the almost-genocide of their people. What is the longest you've been away from home on your own? What was the experience like? I'm just curious cuz I've been on my own so long here now. It's made me make some realizations and other stuff.
bleh_bleh_bleh @ana15 left a comment for Jessie
Jan 16, 19 at 5:21pm
hey um im naughty js?
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 14, 19 at 8:08pm
That would be interesting, but if I ever met anyone who I only had met online before, I may want to meet w/ another person, just because safety issues. Ah, that's pretty interesting. I didn't know that about the language. Do you guys have any native cultures and/or customs? I'm just curious b/c in the States, we only have Native Americans or the Eskimo besides the melting pot of other races and cultures from around the world.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 07, 19 at 3:17pm
Well good luck w/ the traveling. If we're still friends and have deepened the friendship in 2-4 years, maybe I'll see you in another country. The first country I'm planning to visit is either Thailand or Japan. Thailand, b/c that's where my parents are "kind of" originally from. My parents were refugees from the Vietnam War and traveled through, I think, Combodia, Vietnam and ended up in Thailand before being able to immigrate to the USA. I actually still have relatives in Vietnam and Thailand. They call us sometimes to ask for money and assistance for medical bills, a new cow, etc... I think it'd be fun to visit them before they pass away, but I'm not sure now is a good time. My parents are actually visiting come June. Do you have any special characters in Swedish or is it all normal English Alphabet? I assume the wording is much more difficult.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Jan 03, 19 at 3:14am
Weeell the only reason I got interested in investment firms is b/c I think it would make me money. A lot and quick. It would also be nice to learn about how to invest my money properly. If you kind of know how your money is being invested you can make more money and thus retire early or have more fun traveling in comfort. I know I keep going on and on about "money" but realistically life revolves around money unless you plan to live off grid and become self-sufficient. I've looked at that as well, and it's interesting to say the least. Which is probably why I'm interested wild-life survival skills too. That sounds like an interesting plan. Do you have anyone who is planning to join you on your adventure? I feel like it'd be more fun and safer if you travel with at one other person and most likely a guy. I've heard of sketchy stories from girls who have traveled alone and from my sisters, which kind of scare me for their sake. Yea I'd definitely like to learn more languages. Probably just Japanese, Mandarin and Spanish for now. I've taken Japanese in University, German in Junior High School and Chinese in High School. But I've forgotten most of it. Now I only know Hmong and English. Also is "ice cream" in Swedish really "glass"? I was messing around on the google translator and that's what it told me o.O.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Dec 31, 18 at 3:56am
I'd like to get an internship at an investment firm. Or it would be cool to get an internship at a research institute for conservation of animals. I think we mentioned before where we would like to travel. I remember you showing me some pictures of the places you'd like to visit. I don't know how you'd fund those trips though. Have you learned any extra languages to help in your travels? I feel like it'd help to learn some Chinese, Arabic and Spanish. But it may depend more on where regions of the world you want to travel more.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Dec 29, 18 at 12:22am
The only exception I would have to this is if I could work as an intern somewhere to build my skills. What do you plan to do after school? Also, I don't known if I asked you, but have you ever thought about studying abroad? I had once thought about studying in Japan or China... maybe Netherlands or Switzerland or Germany.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Dec 27, 18 at 2:37pm
That's true, I think they would definitely be more shocked to see me w/out the beard lol. Sometimes I wonder if it would be a better idea for people to get stranded in the woods or a tropical island to change themselves. You hear about people who have tried all the time to change themselves, but they couldn't. I think it's probably b/c of the ease of life in which we live and how hard it is to balance change and work or other aspects of life. I think I enjoy the way my school does it here, cuz then I get a small break in between each quarter. It's a method that has been carried on from high school, so it seems normal to me. I had wanted to ask you if you were working while going to school at all? I feel like working and going to school full time is too much work. I wouldn't be able to juggle the homework w/ that load.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for Jessie
Dec 27, 18 at 12:41am
I think we will definitely have some fireworks, but I won't go see them. I'll probably just view the ones that are on TV from the major capitals or big cities of the world, like New York City, Kuala Lumpar, etc... As for my beard, well... hahaha, I have a master plan for that. I'm planning to be scrubby for a while, growing out my beard and hair as I start working out as well to improve my body and then by the end of summer I'll shave off and get myself a fancy suit to show off to my parents! lol Yea the team is working pretty good even though we can't hold our meetings together. I think as the year goes on our team is showing some improvement and that's the main point that our adviser wants us to understand and to make sure we are definitely showing the improvements overtime along w/ additions to the project. that seems to be pretty soon in a month or so. Aren't you worried first about the exams you have to take before you change classes, and do you get a break between the change? Usually we get a week break when we change classes.