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36 year old Male
Last online about 5 hours ago
Czech Republic
Sep 06, 24 at 7:06am
Hi, thank you for the pleasant post. I've never worked for any emergency services, but I've already been through a few serious situations, when a person is versatile, he can't avoid injuries to himself and those close to him. But sometimes while watching anime I remember…
I used to be a firefighter/paramedic and I have rescued people both professionally and personally. There is a big emotional difference between rescues at work, with strangers, and with family. I'm happy to answer any questions you have and commend you for seeking authenticity in your art.
Sep 06, 24 at 6:47am
Thanks for the comment and I'm sorry if I came off as weird. It's about any kind of rescue. I was just pointing out the feeling when, as a viewer, you want to empathize with the story. For example, when you were defending your little brother at that moment, you did not think but acted. Adrenaline gets your heart pumping, chills run down your spine, and the world stops. And you compared it to when you watch anime, there's that similar heated situation. It's so quiet at home that you could hear a pin drop on the ground and you don't even blink, you don't breathe and you wait to see what happens next. (Sorry for my imperfect English)
@enyu I don't know if the 'have you ever saved someone?' is a serious question? But...while it may not be anything too big (like saving someone from an accident, fire, etc.), I did jump in front of my baby brother when he was being assaulted by someone once. I got a busted lip as I literally shoved myself in-between my baby brother and the attacker. As for remembering how I felt, I was just scared for him. I didn't really think about what to do...I just kind of did it in hopes he'd be okay afterwards, though I don't regret jumping in for him, I do wonder if he felt any kind of way of me jumping in front of him? Sorry if I misunderstood the question! I wasn't sure if you were asking if things people sometimes do in anime, some people do IRL XD. Let me know if this answer is TMI and I'll delete it lol.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying No, you didn't come off as weird, you are perfectly fine. And I definitely don't regret jumping in though ^^, even if it was me not thinking immediately at the time, I would still jump in XD.
Gabriel @gabriel_true left a comment for Enyu
Sep 05, 24 at 2:43pm
I've never been to the Czech Republic. What's it like to live over there? I saw you mentioned that you have an outdoor theater system to watch movies? That's pretty fancy, haha! As for cosplaying I have attempted a number of characters. Though I'm not nearly talented or wealthy enough to pull off the look most of the time. Doesn't help I dress as overly stylized characters with a lot of detailed designs for their clothing. Also learned the hard way that long coats are a trip hazard, haha!
ChiariChibi @chiarichibi Can't help but let you know that Undertaker cosplay is fire tho. It looks honestly great on you.
Gabriel @gabriel_true Thank you! The wig was pretty cool to wear, but it gets tangled easily. If I were a hair stylist I probably could do a better job keeping it straight.
Sep 02, 24 at 10:11am
I guess everyone has seen the movie "A Silent Voice", the ending is strange, has anyone read the manga?
Aug 30, 24 at 3:30am
Do you know this movie?