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LilMisMelli @emopanda
LilMisMelli @emopanda
I feel a bit better now that I have given myself some space away from people:3

LilMisMelli @emopanda
LilMisMelli @emopanda
I've always wanted to make a discord server where people can just come and vent or talk about random stuff...but I can never find the courage to do so. T^T

LilMisMelli @emopanda
LilMisMelli @emopanda
I've been having serious periods of depression for the past month and so I distanced myself from everyone. I'm back but I still don't feel the best. I wanted to apologize to all the people that tried messaging me, I promise I wasn't ignoring you. I didn't want to drag anyone else with me.
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.

LilMisMelli @emopanda
commented on
Shots fired at High School in Florida, numerous fatalities.
LilMisMelli @emopanda
A student texted his mom that he loved her and that he wouldn't make it because he knew he was going to die. THIS is why we need to ban guns. 17 people have already died and 15 more were injured. Enough is enough.
post sexy pics of yourself

LilMisMelli @emopanda
commented on
post sexy pics of yourself
LilMisMelli @emopanda