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38 year old Female
Single, Straight
The past year or so I've been trying to find that one person who is right for me, I've had my hopes up quite a few times and have been left heart broken a lot. I don't want to be your 'trophy girlfriend', I want to have a purpose and a meaning in your life. There's more to me than my physique, I don't want to have a guy try to 'shape', 'mold', and 'change' me into their perfect girl. I want to be perfect to someone for once, with all of my minor imperfections in hand as well. I want to be someones one and only, someone I can give my all to. I want to be the one girl you don't want to let go of, and the only girl you want to look at. I simply want to be everything to someone. I want to mean something to someone as I am.

When someone compliments u asking, "Why are u still single?" It seems like u can never really think of an answer.. At least right away. After thinking about I'd have to say for me its because I'm old fashioned! These days u can find soo many girls that sleep around and they do it quickly! I like to really know a guy before I'd ever think about being fully intimate with him because I like to view sex as something more. It's the most intimate u can be with someone and I really only want to share that with someone I love. I'm looking for love! I'm looking for that guy that's going to walk and fight through life by my side :) just like the old days where people fixed things that were broken rather than throw them away!

Beauty is about living your life and being happy with yourself inside and out and not worrying about what people think of you.?

I'm Kayla

26 years old ,

I'm 5ft2 , dark brown hair , deep brown eyes (glasses , sometimes contacts).
Well I'm not sure if this is gonna work for me or not but thought I would see what happens and if it doesnt work than you just made a good friend.....
single mother looking to find someone to share my life and dreams with. I am a loyal, trusting, kind hearted person who enjoys everything in life.
My child is a huge part of me and who I am so if you cant accept someone with a child then Im not for you.

Here is some other things about me -

spending time with my beautiful daughter, spending time with my family, . I love photography . I am also very into poetry(reading and writing). voultering, long walks , animals, spending time with my dog duke, hello kitty, reading, wii fit, green tea, naked (its a proteen drink ) texting, cooking and baking. traIns , shootIng gun , Tim burtin movies .videogames (Wii, Ds and others), I am a Anime Fan!! I am starwars fan & Star Trek.
Collecting random stuff . I love yardsaling and thift shopping, listening to music, Watching TV, going to the movies, shopping, swimming, fishing, camping, Quading and dirtbiking, exploring new places, going to concerts, and ton's more.

Also I love to Volunteer ( Ive helped with toys for tots for the past 7years we've helped raise over 2,000 toys for many needy children and there families...

Books..- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, Eaters of the Dead, Pet Semetary, World War Z, Harry Potter basically alot I have tons of books on my Kindle......

Music- i listen to wayyyy to many things to list but i have really great music taste... , white chapel , suicde slince... , as i lay dieing , RED , white stripes , five finger death punch .... thats just to list some......

Favorite TV Shows:

Mad Men, House M.d, Nip/Tuck , Family guy, Mostly every thing on adult swim, House Hunters, Coffee Prince, Ghost Hunters, Arrested Development, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, The O.C., the X-Files, Law & Order: SVU, Dirt, That 70's Show, Fastlane, The Simpsons, King of the Hill. I also waste my time with the following anime shows: deathnote, bleach, fma, naruto, inyuasha, fclc, sailormoon, cardcaptors, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion, Ranma 1/2, Devil Hunter Yohko, Nadesico, GoldenBoy, Dokyousei, Kare Kano, Genshiken, Melancholy and many others.

Favorite Movies:
Boondock saints , Hangover , TED , Serenity, The Fifth Element, Evil Dead (and sequels), Slither, Dark City, X-Files, Constantine (the comics are better, but I would still recommend the movie), The Matrix series, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Mirrormask, V for Vendetta, any of Jet Li's movies ( I haven't seen them all yet, but I will.) I really enjoy all kinds of movies. I also enjoy foreign movies. Nightwatch and Daywatch were fantastic. Wanted. 300. The Dark Knight, Best movie ever was Mallrats though depth-wise Dangerous Touch comes close. I also hate to admit I LOVED Moulin Rouge. Domino, The 300, Chasing Amy, Doom Generation, Clerks, American Beauty, Splendor, Stupid teeny bopper movies, Dancer Texas, Nowhere, The Royal Tenenbaums, and the X-Files movie all received good reviews from me. I love horror movies, I LOVE good anime. I'm talking Cowboy Bebop the movie, Akira, Perfect Blue, Plastic Little, Evangelion, Arcadia of my Youth, and many, many others.
Volunteer. Mar 31-Apr 3