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DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
most ecchi anime go on about boobs being better then butts And i go "No They aren't! butts are better!" LOL

DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Love is out there you just need to find it :D

DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Chikushō I'm out of Pocky but I'm Sekushī as Kuso lol
Type of gamer are you?

DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Type of gamer are you?
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
what type of gamer are you?
I play them a lot but for fun mostly :D
Would You Live in Japan?

DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
commented on
Would You Live in Japan?
DdraigTheRedDragon @ddraigredragon098
Would visit annually most likely