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wei @wei
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wei @wei
Yeah I get that a lot, as that's what most people think haha I didn't even make an introduction thread cause I'm bad at introducing myself to new ppl idk *^* I felt bad no one replied to yours T-T all the best tho

wei @wei
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wei @wei
Not that long actually around a week or so? Most ppl here have been pretty welcoming that I've decided to lurk for a while to kill time :)

wei @wei
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wei @wei
Hey welcome to the site! lol yeah its not dead its just that at some hours it gets a bit inactive ^^
Nintendo Switch / 3ds

DarkFabs @darkfabs
Nintendo Switch / 3ds
DarkFabs @darkfabs
So besides anime and music, playing video games is what I like doing the most. Are there any people out here who own a switch/3ds? Online games I'm currently playing are mario kart and fortnite.

DarkFabs @darkfabs
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DarkFabs @darkfabs
Thanks everyone for your welcome, feel free to add me if you want.