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Dark Souls Remastered

Czar of Anime @czar_of_anime
Dark Souls Remastered
Czar of Anime @czar_of_anime
Dark Souls Remastered just came out and im going to lose my only friend to it for at least a week or 2. Sadly I'm unable to get it atm. Is anyone getting it? I have the original on ps3 and the Prepare to Die version on Steam but I don't have a computer that can run it.
What game are you currently playing?

Czar of Anime @czar_of_anime
commented on
What game are you currently playing?
Czar of Anime @czar_of_anime
Well I don't have the data atm to update my ps4 or its games so im stuck playing bf4 on ps3 or Town of Salem on Steam. When I finally get around to updating my stuff I will probably download H1Z1 and play it since it just came out on there.