Tee @ennis93
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Silver Silent
Tee @ennis93
I cannooot really complain xD
Ooh souns nice
I am finishing off at work - so eager to go home *__*

Tee @ennis93
left a comment for
Silver Silent
Tee @ennis93
Look a Silverrrr
How are yoou?

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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Silver Silent
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
I did want to go to oceanside to see the ocean never seen the ocean before. ;)

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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Silver Silent
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Yeah sometimes but not all the time sucks I really wanted to go to California :(

VeZeal @axlex
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Silver Silent
VeZeal @axlex

Animekid @animekid
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Silver Silent
Animekid @animekid
Silver is often overlooked for gold but that doesn't mean it's not valued.
Happy Valentine's Day~

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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Silver Silent
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Mwant to say in.
Auto correct on mobile blah

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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Silver Silent
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
I hate thr snow cold / hot weather because of medical I have bad asthma. So terr certain weathere degrees I can't go out in such as 80 and above 50 below csnt go out and do anything :\.
Oh yes I love to paint and rebuild and add a room too stuff ;).

Nini @mikan_kat
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Silver Silent
Nini @mikan_kat
sure, I would love to be friends ^^

fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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Silver Silent
fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
Pretty good now there no me freaking snow that a pain in the butt ! . I'm glad it starting to get warmer saving up to buy a house between April to June so I'm excited to have my first home :).