Ninetales @ninetales
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Ninetales @ninetales
I end up mixing up the languages and not remembering words in english remembering it in another, it gets very confusing

Ninetales @ninetales
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Ninetales @ninetales
I'm majoring in Japanese at school, no idea what I'm gonna do with it after graduating but I love languages.
I know that MAL has been having issues with the site recently but hopefully it's up and running again soon!

Ninetales @ninetales
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Ninetales @ninetales
I know Spanish and knew French when I was a kid. It's extremely different than both of those, but also really fun once you get the hang of things!
Japan is really easy to get around once you know where you are. the hardest thing is trying to navigate the subway exits

Ninetales @ninetales
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Ninetales @ninetales
Hi I'm good thanks!! Japanese is a little hard, the grammar is so different from any other language I've learned so theres a lot of rules and patterns to remember.
Theres a few nice anime places in my city (Kyoto) but not as many as I expected! Of course when I go to Osaka or Tokyo there's a lot more