lonewolfies @lonewolfies
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lonewolfies @lonewolfies
thanks :) shes not from an anime sadly

crona1454 @crona1454
crona1454 @crona1454
In episode 5, Maka said that Tsugumi was her Soul Mate ^_^

Aaadurof @aaadurof
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Aaadurof @aaadurof
That's awesome! A flashback! I just knew that now that it's a prequel! If they join forces, that will be an unexpected outcome!

Aaadurof @aaadurof
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Aaadurof @aaadurof
It is. There's a new season of Soul Eater but it focuses on new characters.

Aaadurof @aaadurof
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Aaadurof @aaadurof
That's great! How's Ragnarok? I guess Ragnarok can smile like that too?

Aaadurof @aaadurof
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Aaadurof @aaadurof
thanks for the add! *bows*
sugoi! crona is smiling!

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Hello, hello~ I have accepted your request of friendship~ ^^

koszulcia xd @koszulcia
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koszulcia xd @koszulcia
thank you for the add ^^ and welcome on the site :)

Deactivated @ruby
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Deactivated @ruby
Wow thats alot of vocaloids x3 lol..woah really? Hmm i bet there will be like 20 or more miku hatsunes at your convention x.x lols

lonewolfies @lonewolfies
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lonewolfies @lonewolfies
hey :) I love your profile picture!
Artist. May 18-20
May 24-26
Artist. Apr 10-13
May 24-25