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Pete Zahut

31 year old Male
Single, Straight
about 24 hours ago
Random Moutain,
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for Pete Zahut
Jun 09, 22 at 2:14am
Viking babe~ your love (you thought it wasn’t coming probably sksksk) <3 ⊂(・ヮ・⊂) https://c.tenor.com/OyOv9Q4MVnkAAAAC/hug-hugs.gif
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Stay handsome and awesome darling UwU
Pete Zahut @criselington Why am I getting this?
lei_maiotaku @amarantha Oh no. GD will be jealous again. Hahahahaha
Pete Zahut @criselington She better be careful haha one look at me and she'll turn to stone
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Because you’re awesome and GD can politely get over himself sksksk
lei_maiotaku @amarantha left a comment for Pete Zahut
Jun 09, 22 at 2:02am
have i posted this one already?
Pete Zahut @criselington No you have not, thank you. Haha the laughing at serious stuff is a real problem
lei_maiotaku @amarantha left a comment for Pete Zahut
Jun 08, 22 at 9:53pm
We call her "Birhen Candelaria" or "Canday" According to google it translates to or is also called "Our Lady of Candle" or "Virgin of Candelaria" or something like that. Roman Catholics worship Blessed Virgin Mary a lot, and many titles have been given to her including those names above. However, this one I am showing you is different because it is only worshipped within our family/clan. This Our Lady of Candle is only exclusive to us. According to the oldies, our ancestors were fishing back then and there is this log that keeps getting trapped inside their net, they kept throwing the log away, but the log keeps coming back inside their nets, so they just took the log with em to the land. And then one of em dreamed of a woman who is believed to be Mary and told em to keep the log as it will transform into her own image, and she will shower our fam/our clan with miracles, and us too shall share the blessings we receive to other people. Next thing they know is it really did transform into a different figure and until now we are worshipping it. It is passed on to different members of the family every year. And every year also all members of our family/clan meet up where we hold Catholic Mass and after it we celebrate. Lots of food and dancing and money giving. We also donate and this money is accounted is a fund of the clan and it is used to help churches, members of the family and other people. The one who has control or say about everything tho is someone from our family. Usually it is the first born male. So from my grandfather, going to my father, and next in line is my brother, and next to him is his son.
lei_maiotaku @amarantha ***accounted as a fund
Pete Zahut @criselington Oh my, that's quite and interesting tale. Thank you for sharing it with me. I hope it doesn't come off as rude or disrespectful but it's kind of like you're the Madrigals haha like in the sense your family was chosen and share the miracles in many different ways. I hope your lady helps you with what you're going through. Again thanks for sharing that story with me.
lei_maiotaku @amarantha Yea hahaha tbh its kinda weird sometimes if you think about it hahaha its like we are a cult or like witches worshipping a cat hahaha but I think am aight knowing that our church/religion allows and accepts it.
Pete Zahut @criselington Well I think you're right haha I mean religions like Catholicism and Christianity adopted many things from Pagans. Plus the wealth and magical like miracles your share don't hurt. You're definitely a classic witch haha be proud.
lei_maiotaku @amarantha I can assure you we dont offer hooman beings or live animals tho hahahahahahahaha
Pete Zahut @criselington Haha that's good, those are only needed for the big things and you obviously don't suffer from the sin of greed since yall are content with what you receive already haha good job
Pete Zahut @criselington Such a great and responsible witch
Since I confessed to cosplaying Shrek here is my cosplay haha definitely not a fake
Jun 08, 22 at 3:26pm
Is this how you feel everyday brother? https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/0482fc3092c989d57333723b40323224.jpg
Pete Zahut @criselington Haha it was, but the tears don't fall they crash around me
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Ah so your conscious calls, too guilty to come home
Pete Zahut @criselington Yeah haha I see a girl I like then I think to myself would she hear me, if I called her name? Then she turn and looks at me and says no...
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 But the real question is: would she hold you, if she knew your shame? XDDDD
Pete Zahut @criselington Haha she wouldn't hold me at all. You know it's like there's always something different going wrong... you know? I have to keep asking myself if the path I walk is in the wrong direction.
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 But you also know you need to keep hanging on, since someone could come and make things better
About thingy changed
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I love the banana joke and I’ve once again learned more about you UwU
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Looking handsome Viking babe <3
Pete Zahut @criselington I look like a trash panda
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You mean you look like treasure? Yes I agree UsU
Pete Zahut @criselington No really I got dark eyes see
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Okay and? Still handsome, I have even darker under eyes so try again (don’t actually try again you look great even if you can’t see it)
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying left a comment for Pete Zahut
Jun 07, 22 at 11:29am
Snake in camouflage
Pete Zahut @criselington I don't see a danger noodle. I see a bunny. Where is the danger noidle
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying *coughs* I mean it’s not a snake in camouflage silly me XD. Yes it’s just a very long and skinny bunny
Pete Zahut @criselington Oh I thought maybe it was hidden somewhere in the shavings
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You know it might be... look closer I guess :3
lei_maiotaku @amarantha left a comment for Pete Zahut
Jun 06, 22 at 10:25am
https://youtu.be/uaj1eNRzZgA posting this here cause singers beard reminded me of you hahahaha so can u sing like this guy too? hahahaha XD
Pete Zahut @criselington I wish haha I has no skills
I've learned I'm a Gemini, Aries ascending, moon Sagittarius man who is also a Hornbeam. That is all and you're welcome for the information you didn't want.
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 How are you also a sagitarius we dont want you here OWO! DENAUNCED! WE ARE ADVENTUROUS BUT YOU DONT EVEN TRY OWO! XDDDD no no come here brother UwU may you be blessed by the strength of 1 horse POWAAAAA! XDDDD
Pete Zahut @criselington Why try when rejection is the answer, like how you tried to reject me in the group. Also it's because I've learned there is more such as ascending and moon
Pete Zahut @criselington Oh yes and Druidic
Veru @verucassault This explains so much. *taking notes*
Pete Zahut @criselington Does it really?!?!? I've just learned these thing and I have no idea what any of it means haha
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 Same what just happened? Did she found out sth we don’t ? XDDDD
Veru @verucassault I was kinda joking but I do find it interesting that you are both an Aries represented by a ram and a moon sign Sagittarius which is represented by an archer centaur, both hooved creatures. I don't know anything about Druid shit, but pretty familiar with zodiacs and birth charts. The first time I did my own birth chart it blew my mind. I'm about as Scorpio as a Scorpio can get. Moon sign Gemini.
Pete Zahut @criselington Oh I see, yeah it is interesting indeed. Oh damn double Scorpio and a moon Gemini, hail moon sister haha