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craftmind @craftmind
craftmind @craftmind
Hi. Anybody here like vinland saga?
The anime has been amazing so far.

craftmind @craftmind
craftmind @craftmind
The front page is kind of like a Facebook wall but for like the whole sight huh?

bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
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bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
Dude, there is a Risk of Rain Two? In 3d! This is perhaps the best flipping news I had all day. I would love to see more of that lovely aesthetic especially in 3d!
Favorite boss music

craftmind @craftmind
Favorite boss music
craftmind @craftmind
What's your favorite boss music and why? Any reason goes!
Maiden Astrea from Demon's Souls. It was not a "fun" boss fight, the second I walked through the fog and the music started I stopped in place. I knew something was off. I have never felt a sense of dread like that moment.
What Are You Listening To Right Now?

craftmind @craftmind
commented on
What Are You Listening To Right Now?
craftmind @craftmind
I dont think I'm ever not listening to this song