orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
dang.-. thats how late im normally up till... .-. lmao i have insomnia so i dont get to sleep till like way late.. :P but it must suck to have to get up that early. what do you do?

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
yush~!! lol i only got to episode 4 last night .-. it kept skipping and taking forever to load so i gave up at like 1am .-.

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
COOL!!! lmao i like the japanese voices better then the english ones... they just suit the characters more .-. lol

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
exactly!! lol and yup~! np :P glad someone else is also into it ^-^ im actually watching the anime for gantz right now. its not as good as the manga but rather decent. :o

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
Yeh. What I've watched so far I kinda had that issue that's why I haven't really bothered attempting to watch it anymore...

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
It's okay so far. I didn't get to see to much yet though ..

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
Lol that's why I just book mark them on my phone or Internet

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
I read manga on mangareader.net and I Jst bookmark em or wrote down what mangas I've read. And like I said I can't really watch much anime but I normally can remember what Ive seen. :P hbu???

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
Lol Alrightyy! It's a really good manga. I'm actually re reading it again now :P but I have already seen angle beats lol. it was a really good anime. :P

orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
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orihimexhyuga @orihimexhyuga
OH Gantz also has quit a few sexual scenes in it also lol just saying :P