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Mysterious Devil
I don't remember the exact name, tho, wasn't there also an extinction event where the oceans were so overfilled with oxygen that it basically became poisonous to most life that hadn't adapted to it and basically killed almost all life? All of this is fascinating stuff, there's some videos on youtube that track the timelines with a representation of how earth would of looked like, so cool to see it red when that event happens.

gozaru0906 @gozaru0906
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Mysterious Devil
gozaru0906 @gozaru0906
Heya, what’s re some of your favorite games that you love to play?

ichigo91 @ichigo91
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Mysterious Devil
ichigo91 @ichigo91

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
left a comment for
Mysterious Devil
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
You as well, I was judging your sleep schedule,lifestyle while I am no better truthfully no one is. I apologize for that and being a bit too much to handle, I believe I intetacted with you before on a different account several years ago but I dont remember.

arkkuss @arkkuss
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Mysterious Devil
arkkuss @arkkuss
I have a question for you.Who do you think is best girl in Fate?

femtog @femtog
left a comment for
Mysterious Devil
femtog @femtog
based Power appreciator. shes coming back soon

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
left a comment for
Mysterious Devil
Someone You used to know. @joemama711

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Mysterious Devil
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Oh god the fan girls must go crazt for him like a lot of others do. Btw is discord better for ya or you prefer here?

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Mysterious Devil
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Mark is pretty funny and sexy, glad his onlyfans is helping charities and his moms documentary.

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Mysterious Devil
Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Ah cool whos playing? I know Markplier is playing it. Suprised Corey isnt or is he?
Oct 21-23
Jul 14-16
Jul 13-15
Jul 12-14