Baka @reinhardt76
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Baka @reinhardt76
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CAC @cac That does look very good and I'm already hungry.
Baka @reinhardt76 Same, I’m torn between making actual food and just eating a bunch of gushers...
CAC @cac I'd love some actual food. I can't cook....
Baka @reinhardt76 So far I can make good pancakes!!!... and an egg? An a burger
CAC @cac I can do hotdogs and microwave stuffs lol. I mean there are a few simple things if I really tried.
Baka @reinhardt76 I somehow burn hotdogs... microwave me a hot pocket
CAC @cac Yeah but hotdogs can be a little burnt, but only a little. Yeah those are awesome >_>
ashfall223 @ashfall223
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ashfall223 @ashfall223
No problem!
CAC @cac Looking at your profile, I think your not too far from me lol
Fox Girl @foxanimelover
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Fox Girl @foxanimelover
CAC @cac oh very cute fox
squibbygirl @squibbygirl
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squibbygirl @squibbygirl
CAC @cac how are you today?
Nobody @muffster
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Nobody @muffster
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CAC @cac Yup :)
CAC @cac
CAC @cac
Been watching anime all day to distract myself, I might actually catch up some.
Dazai @dazai_osamu
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Dazai @dazai_osamu
CAC @cac looks like a lot of fun
Gawdleee @pwnpandas
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Gawdleee @pwnpandas
DUDE how can I not?!?!?!
Yotsubato is my favourite manga of ALL TIME! :O
Curry and dumplings are a surprisingly good combo
CAC @cac lol. I actually haven't read much of it but I found this pic like 10 years ago and loved it so I use it on all my internet accounts.
Gawdleee @pwnpandas Dangggggg
Gawdleee @pwnpandas Read it for a good time!
CAC @cac Maybe, I hardly ever read manga. I like watching anime more.
Gawdleee @pwnpandas Its a short and fun read but no pressure tho
CAC @cac That's a lot of non-pressures you got there...
deactivated @seji_hikaru
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deactivated @seji_hikaru
Ohh I didn't know we can reply to someone… 'w' xD
CAC @cac Yeah sorta like a status, you can make replies to it.
deactivated @seji_hikaru
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deactivated @seji_hikaru
Hi you're welcome ^^
CAC @cac :)