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18 year old Male
Last online 4 months ago
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May 24, 24 at 8:35pm
Wow that is almost exactly me
I'm still keeping an eye out for my special someone. ______________________________________________________ Age: (Has to be near my age or older, but no older than 35) Height: ??? Personality: fun/funny, light hearted and loving, very open-minded, dependable, peaceful, wise Hobbies: Music, singing, travel, poetry (Not limited to these by the way) Hair color: Black Eyes color: Turquoise or something close to it, green eyes are great too! Extra: I would highly appreciated finding someone who is loyal and respectful towards me, and possibly as a bonus happens to look like Venti. XD (I'm not a simp, I just know what kind of guys I like and from what I've learned I tend to lean on femboys that's what I've noticed over the years.)