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anarqe @anarqe
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anarqe @anarqe
What type of board do you ride?

konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
I looked those up, and they looked really cool. I'm going to have to watch those sometime. It's hard for me to choose favorites so I can go on and on too :)

XxsakurakixX @xxsakurakixx
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XxsakurakixX @xxsakurakixx
Right now im touching up my Squalo cosplay, my friend wants to do Yukata squalo shoot
What's your favorite moment in an Anime?

Boose @boose
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What's your favorite moment in an Anime?
Boose @boose
Spoiler alert
When Tiaga and Ryuuji kiss.
What's your favorite moment in an Anime?

Boose @boose
commented on
What's your favorite moment in an Anime?
Boose @boose
Spoiler alert
When Tiaga and Ryuuji kiss.