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30 year old Male
Last online about 9 years ago
I've tried to go without coffee for a day, but my OCD skyrockets and my head starts pounding. I also get shaky and even more miserable. I did a paper on caffeine addiction for a Psych class and found that caffeine has actually a beneficial affect for mental disorders like OCD, Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. I've been a fan of G&S ever since I got to see The Mikado live in DC. It's a social commentary on Western society disguised through the comedic fantasy setting of a stereotypical 1800's Japanese village where flirting was recently made illegal and suicide is punishable by death. XD Then I watched the movie version of Pirates of Penzance and loved it.
My favorite song from the Mikado (lyrics are always adjusted to match the audience for obvious reasons): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NLV24qTnlg
The coffee's taking too long DX And the boiled-water dispenser was empty, so I have to wait for it to heat up now. I need my fix... TT^TT Gilbert and Sullivan were both very cultured and very funny. Their play The Mikado went worldwide and is still very popular to this day.
Haha XD But I love "Modern Major General"! Gilbert and Sullivan were awesome playwrights! And good morning. I haven't had my coffee yet, so replies might be a little slow.
Not today! *crawls under blanket and goes to sleep*
I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep now; it's already past 3.5 AM, LOL. Good night!
Ha, I will form my own gang. We will call ourselves the Pirates of Penzance and kill people with kindness and awesome musical performances. Think you're safe? Just wait 'till the Pirates corner you in a back alley and sing "Modern Major General" at you, WITH ENCORE. XD Jewish funerals have to follow specific religious guidelines. For example, the coffin must be made specifically of biodegradable materials -- worms gotta eat -- and the grave must be clearly marked so people don't accidentally wander on it and become unclean. My favorite bit is the part where mourners leave stones on the grave instead of dirt or flowers. Pepper spray affects plenty of people, but here again, you have the melee vs. long range issue. I already use psychological mind-fucks on my enemies, but it isn't going to save me when the person I'm trying to confuse is already high on something way more powerful than caffeine. XD
Haha, that's okay. Authors' notes are usually assumed to be nonessential anyway, but because of my OCD I have to read everything in a book, even the forward and the table of contents. Hell, no, I'm not dorming, LOL. Can't afford it. There's no shame in living with your parents in this day and age, haha. When I transfer to university I'll be riding the bus into town rather than living in the city. Besides, Jewish funerals are super-expensive. :P With regards to pepper spray, it doesn't affect everyone as strongly as it's expected too, and a gun is long-distance whereas a taser isn't. I have to get close with a taser, and then my attacker can take it away from me. With a gun, I can keep my distance and still defend myself. I'd probably never even have to fire it.
I noted it from the fact that I and my older sister both studied Japanese history as an elective (In fact, there's other bits of Japanese history that are also super-fascinating; you might look into it!) and we immediately noticed the parallels between real life and the manga/anime. There was also a small note about it in the first book of the manga. I want a gun because the neighborhood I live in isn't a pleasant one, the university I'm transferring to even less so. There's gang stuff going on, and as a very pale and short female, I need to be able to defend myself. My sister attended the same university until she graduated this spring and she had several close calls. Fortunately she wasn't dorming; there have been a lot of homicides near the main campus and some other crazy shit. I'd transfer to a nicer university but I can't afford to.
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