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32 year old Male
Last online almost 2 years ago
Taastrup, Denmark
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Apr 01, 14 at 12:32pm
Well hopefully this is going to take less than your 5 hours to reply ;3 You should totally play alice madness returns, the game is awesome, the music, outfits, the kit, enemies, everything. It has blue butterflies following her, and when her HP is very low, you can activate Hysteria, which makes her really strong, and it looks awesome. Most people refer to it as period, cause it resembles it quite a lot xD oh wait you saw it, then you probably know these things hehe, there is an old and a new version of the game, one is called the mcgee version, that is the older one, its about the same, but then older so you can do a little less. In the new game the storyline is explained really good hehe. Totally no propaganda for trying to make you play it :3 If you can choose, I'd choose to play it on a console, cause its hard to shoot, walk, dodge and aim at the same time on the keyboard, or maybe I just had to change the key settings >.> Is that a tip to play? isn't that game quite old? will look it up some time, probably need a console that I don't have though x] NEED. A. GAMECUBE T-T Well its fun to discuss different opinions, especially when you can try to convince one another. When I lose I can get really childish though xD Lately my favorite question is: "what do you think is at the end of the universe?" eeeh well waiting you'll have to do most of the time, it can't be worse than waiting for some of the new seasons for anime, sometimes they take forever.. xD No America next summer, wanted to go this summer, but didn't quite figure out where to travel to yet, so next summer it is. Certainly the New York, Las Vegas stuff, but I want some history as well, oh and the grand canyon is a must. This year its going to be Spain and with a friend somewhere, which is probably going to be England. Cause well a certain is going there as well this summer. You shouldn't be socially awkward, you can type whole books with the things that are in your head, and if you cam with them often enough, it won't be awkward irl for longer than 5 mins. Always hope for meeting them, cause once you give up on that, the friendship loses a lot of value. Well maybe cause online you can find a lot of people that you can relate with, that you open up. Oh and the fact that on here, when you don't feel like talking, you just shut down your computer. In real life, also at 8am people are constantly talking, which is quite understandable, sometimes hella annoying. Oh really? Thats soo awesome! I have to find someone from germany, cause want to go to Koln (cologne) cause they have an international otaku day there, and from the stories I've heard its really awesome. x3 Well you made me fan of your language, its fun when we can kinda understand each other but the rest don't understand a single word x] Ohh Ic, haven't watched a lot of naruto epi's tbh. But the hat is cute as hell! Its fun that you get along with each other that well! You surely adore it, you are wearing it quite often x] What was on the poster? Next time, I'll show you my Adventure time beanie *proudness* hahaha well luckily it wasn't 5am, cause that is just the most awful time to meet up. But it was fun ;D Will do it again, but only in weekends, cause it means no sleep at all. You and your sleeping while talking skills hehe. Oh you kinda look like Dyrus btw well thank you for getting me online, Sean didn't tell me that you two actually agreed on it. Thought it was just coincidental that both of you said it. Feeling naive x] well thank you, personally I would name my rabbit Nina, but okay. I like how your name represents something, the most awesome idea; mixing the parents name and using that as a second name for the child. well yeah you showed your concentration when you're online hehe. Is your amv finished? Send it! Wanna see it! what exactly is it about? show meee >;D coffee is like a little magical drink, it does wonders. Together with energy. Thought it would be bullshit, but or it works really well or it is the placebo effect that works really well. Either way one of the best inventions x3 well if your teacher gives you candy, you should treasure him, candy is rare while at school. People get violent for candy when we are done late.. hahaha x] I'll look you up, after I fixed my damned laptop. Missing my poor baby so much T-T hmm I don't have really a rhythm. Sometimes I play 10 games a day, and then I don't play for a month. Don't understand how you can stop after one time. The same goes for chips, how can you stop after you had 5 o_o Well kaycetron has as much people hating as people liking. And not sure if she even still streams, watched it once and that was enough. Really watched it for the comments actually, thats also how I found out about the disease. Sooo funny xD Reality shows such as jersey shore? Thought that they were actors, actually. It's not possible to be like that irl, right? xD wow, half asian, imma start being afraid. Okeoke, lets make a deal, if you can lick your elbow, you win. If I do, I win. What about that deal? Well I’m support since the person I play most with is standard adc, so then it kinda went automatically..
Mar 31, 14 at 10:47pm
Lol! What???
Mar 31, 14 at 9:07am
Hey, Mage! Just saying what's up?
Mar 30, 14 at 1:02am
The King Nuro @nuro0o left a comment for blackmage
Mar 28, 14 at 2:29pm
Mage where are ya :O!?
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Mar 28, 14 at 11:03am
hehe well probably everyone has a game that is close to perfect in their eyes. sooooo in love with alice madness returns lately<333 Alice is just overall perfection ;3 There doesn't exist a game that not at least one person is hating on. But that also makes it interesting to play, and discuss. Well since I have both a ps3 and ps4, I can confirm that. You can upgrade games for a few euros(or your weird currency xD). Not all games though. It sure feels like traveling, the same goes for anime, music and books. They all let you travel to a world with all sorts of awesome experiences and people ^-^ Eeh well I plan on going to America next summer, ofc Japan, but also the middle east and Iceland. Iceland for the volcanos and the middle east for the culture. It sure is hard to live so far apart from some people. eeeh, well fluently I speak 3, but I've had french class for 7 years, and greek and latin classes as well. And then the standard japanese anime words x] Your language sounds quite funny, should look it up sometime to see how understandable it really is. Oke so I just looked at this page http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dansk_(sprog), and I can actually read it. Thumbs up for your language xD It also has a bit of a swedish influence though, that part makes it harder xD Oh how long is that chat up in the air then? You're already part for quite some time at least. Oh and whatever you had on your head that looked like a fluffy panda, it looked cute hahaha Well, then you kinda understand my fear, heheeh. I actually promised to meet up at 5am last night with someone on tiny chat, but I fell asleep T-T Better luck next time, I suppose, hehehe xd I will try again tonight, but this time I shouldn't think about how comfortable my pillow looks, probably. That happens way too often. Wait, did Sean seriously say so? ehehehe x3 He is the one I made the promise with to come online Oh my real name is Nina, btw. What is your name? Well truly I'm not shy, aslong as someone is not a stranger, once I start talking there is no problem anymore (: Will you be online tonight as well? Oh maybe you won't understand before that hehehe xD hahaha I guess I know who you mean, eeeh Haru, right? x] She seems pretty sweet tbh. Maybe you should bring your own coffee then, it certainly is the best way of waking up ^-^ And candy is something always something at least one person brings. You should find out who it is, and then stalk that person :3 I play on EUW, you as well? Or EUNE? Well tsunami I've been following for a few years now already, he was on of the first people to try and break the meta with his vids, thats why I liked him, he picked a random melee champ, and went mid. Be happy you don't know kaycetron, she streams on twitch, was like lvl 5 and had 10k people watching because she was gaming half naked. Its almost painful to watch how much she wanted the attention. She was a porn actress before starting to stream, but stopped because she got some weird ass disease. Yeah, anal >.> You challenge me? Better watch out, I have my personal pocket asians for winning! >;D Now I'm all of a sudden afraid you're challenger, how dare you challenge a support D:
Mar 27, 14 at 9:15pm
I am =p that was my cosplay for megacon!!!
Mar 23, 14 at 11:23pm
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Mar 22, 14 at 12:46pm
meanwhile ages later my response x3 True enough, the game has his flaws, but its a great game nonethless, and instead of seeing a promo of the game with a beautiful animation and then playing the game and it being shitty, atleast FFXIII has the same atmosphere and graphics x3 If you dont get a ps4, you can always get a ps3, they will get cheaper fast enough, with the ps4 coming up. Is it actually possible to buy the ps4 in your country without the pre order, since over here you have to wait atleast 2 months before getting it. You should always choose traveling over anything, since there is nothing better than getting to see the world! Do you have any special places in mind? Probably Japan?(; Speaking about countries, the language that you speak, in denmark, is that alike with german? Might play it, since I absolutly love Lightning. She is soooo kickass<3 Well you have been around since the beginning, not? and you know everyone, guess that stuff like that makes it easier as well ^-^ The best thing about camming is that you can actually see emotions instead of using smileys, and people feel way more familiar when you've seen them. If I ever again have the social skills to do so, I'll surely come online since all of you guys really look like kind people :3 hmm, guess that I'm one of those people that is shy at first, but if you get to know me I'm a retard. Nothing is better than being yourself, and being an expressionist. hahahaha, surely those were some charming pictures! For some reason, the tables in class all of a sudden look really comfortable when something gets explained ~.~ I have evil teachers instead, or well, kinda like them for this; When I fall asleep, they just let me sleep, even if the bell rang already xD well we have our own server, so luckily there is still some hope to become a good player ^0^ The best thing about Uzi is his age x) and the finals are almost always painful to watch, even if your team wins, its so painful to see people losing, also because you know that they could've done better than they did. Not really one favorite player, but I do love vids in which they try to break the meta, like tsunami's early vids oh and boxbox! I hate that girl on twitch that streams half naked and her own brazzers logo, what is she called? eeh kaycetron or something like that. Well if you wanna marry jinx, you should first get passed me, she's minee<3
WolfKat @kirokun left a comment for blackmage
Mar 20, 14 at 7:12pm
Thanks its nice meeting you ^+^