aokaminariki @aokaminariki
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aokaminariki @aokaminariki
Yeah it was an epic battle, but I still like both characters equally and appreciate ScrewAttack's hard work and analysis. And the abridged series by Team Four Star? Yes, I love that series, did you see episode 32? If you haven't, then I won't spoil, but I do think that Vegeta made that episode XD

xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli

Materine @materine
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Materine @materine
I'm just trying to write an English paper that's due tomorrow.

bellableubelle @bellableubelle
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bellableubelle @bellableubelle
Favorite is hard for me.....I'm not very good at picking out favorites. But manga would probably have to be...Loveless. And anime I would have to say Sailor Moon because it was the anime that really got me into anime. Only those because I was put on the spot, if I had time to think I might possibly have a different answer.

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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ZeldaChan @monjachan
Kagome would be my favorite out of all of the characters in the anime.. Gotta love her <3
Haha, there are so many great inukag moments in InuYasha in general.. I love them all, but if I had to choose a fave.. When Koga and Kagome thought InuYasha had died\drowned and Kouga believed he'd have kagome to himself.. InuYasha came back in full health and Kagome leapt into inuyasha's arms crying.. Either this one or
This one is especially deeply engraved into my heart <3

aokaminariki @aokaminariki
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aokaminariki @aokaminariki
Oh yeah, I forgot about Videl lol she was the first awesome female Z fighter, not including 18 since she was an android. And the J comes from the Japanese translation. We say Super Saiyan, they say Sūpā Saiya-jin. You see the JIN at the end, there's your J lol. Also, did you see the ScrewAttack Deathbattle of Goku v.s. Superman?

Materine @materine
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Materine @materine
Trigun is amazing! Seriously go watch it!

bellableubelle @bellableubelle
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bellableubelle @bellableubelle
It's pretty cool so far.

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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ZeldaChan @monjachan
Great!! You're a InuKag supporter?..
I'm the same, bigtime!!
I don't mind Kikyou either.. But she kinda had her chance.. time to give Kagome a shot.. ^^
Plus, she is kinda dead.. so it would be creepy....
I CAN guarantee that this anime has an ending that will justify itself for you..
You'll be in a major animeslump after you finish it and just want to re-watch Inuyasha instead.. xD
I went through it for a period.. Kinda passed as I made some InuKag AMV's though.. Got rid of some of my obsession for the cutest couple ever..
Do you have any fave episode?..
Or a fave chara, out of all in the anime?..

Materine @materine
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Materine @materine
Oh that's a hard question. Um, some of my favorites are Samurai Champloo, Samurai 7, Trigun, and Steins;Gate.