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kitten69157 @kitten69157
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kitten69157 @kitten69157
I finally graduated but it's been forever since I been on here, so I apologize for that.
Congrats on job!!! That's so exciting!
I agree... Making garnishes is fun, but can be time consuming sometimes. lol.
I like all sorts of foods, desserts, drinks, etc. What can I say? I like to keep an open mind and stay cultured in the flavors of various foods and what not, but my favorite dishes are pizza and chocolate... lmao. I know - not very cultured now is it? haha. O well. :D

Rika Yamada @rikayamada
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Rika Yamada @rikayamada
hey thanks for the friend invite! X3

kitten69157 @kitten69157
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kitten69157 @kitten69157
I did great on my midterms - thank you for asking. Now I just need to push myself to complete this last month and I can finally graduate - yay.
Wow - that's so cool that u might have a position at ur externship. I really hope u get it. my friend tried going to school to be a chef and she says it was rly tough getting a job after she graduated, so the fact that u're getting ur foot in the door is definitely an awesome start. After all, it's not all about what u know, but who u know in any industry. lol. Good luck with all that. BTW - wat kinds of food do u like cooking the most or do u just love it all? :D
Ugh Ugh Ugh

AznMercLT @aznmerclt
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Ugh Ugh Ugh
AznMercLT @aznmerclt