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29 year old Female
Last online over 4 years ago
Aug 24, 17 at 10:11pm
At least you didn't do the classic apology for apologizing. xD Probably just because you didn't want to be intruding even though it w-as just being social on a social media platform. :P I've no idea what CLAMP is. Is it another series, studio, character? o_O
Ah, thanks. I'll have to watch the whole franchises series then lol. Idk why you're sorry all you did was help lmao
Unfortunately this wolf fell asleep... And woke up to go buy Sushi, Miso Soup and a Garden Salad :) Do you like sushi too?
Well you definitely have a point :P And sadly there was a change of plans for tonight's dinner choices... *blinks*
I definitely will be cooking tonight that's for sure, I've been tempted enough to craft something special (Probably it's going to be a gourmet Mac and cheese meal xD). And I'm guessing I have to pay for the airfare too hrm?
Sounds like someone is trying to tempt me xD Ever heard the song I can see right through you? Lol then again, you're more than welcome to come to Florida and cook for me lol
Aug 23, 17 at 11:10am
Haha are you trying to tempt me now? Because I'll go for it xD I just need to set some priorities straight tonight first and foremost *it's fun being an adult* xD
That actually sounds pretty damn good, now I'm extremely tempted to make that... For dinner tonight xD
Aug 22, 17 at 11:38pm
I'm impressed, you can cook cereal xD I don't know anyone who's been able to do that lol But aside, that's pretty good, you have more talent than me lol I'm usually a big fan of stir-fry dishes and would like to get into making more Japanese style meals. Curry counts, yes?
Aug 22, 17 at 11:07pm
Oh yeah? What do you enjoy cooking? Please do not say a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich XD
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