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Atmos Fear

35 year old Male
Last online over 9 years ago
I'll definitely take advantage of that offer, haha. BTW Take a look at this. Sadly, this is what got me interested in HP Lovecraft's writing. http://armorgames.com/play/11954/
That Uke @thatuke left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 17, 13 at 8:19pm
When it comes to PC I am the same with that. Most of the games I ever play are linked to Steam. I really need to get around to playing more on it. I use to only do PC gaming. Are you planning on getting either next generation console? Like PS4 or XBone?
._. I never really read the comics. :( I still have my stack of X-Men but it's a pain to turn pages wearing gloves
Haha XD Oh, G-d, yes, if that's the alternative, please rain down the horror movies.
LOL Why, because all girls should have the privilege of watching "Dark Water" alone with the lights out?
Haha XD Stop staring at me, I'll get a big head. I don't hate you for taking so long to read it; I just feel sorry for the poor, abandoned little book. TT^TT You need to step it up, dude!
Terra was soooooo cool >w<
Hell, I read all of Poe's works when I was between the ages of 13 and 15 and did a voluntary literary analysis to boot. XD Have you gotten to "Some Words With A Mummy" yet?
I am a fan of Stephen King's books though. If it's written down, I can handle it. The moment I see it, it ceases to be a simple plot device and becomes something painful, disfiguring and tragic.
Beast Boy is my favorite >:)