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Ryuko matoi

30 year old Female
Last online almost 9 years ago
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Nov 20, 15 at 5:51pm
Woah her, you should take it easy there :p, some fights arent worth fighting https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0YnPMHhy0ck/VfZMqu_i3uI/AAAAAAAAhQ8/9auVjBKR2ek/w800-h800/tumblr%2Bshit.gif
Nov 20, 15 at 10:16am
Choir: Hallelujah! https://formeinfullbloom.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/makoappearance.jpg OMg RYUKO!!! i'm a big fan!! <333 you're so bad ass Admire you a lot! Hope we can be friends :D
@Jack oh thanks ^^ and the 3 star uniform is so awesome when they transform and have superpowers x3. sweet.
^^ ello fellow otakus, my name is Anabelle but you can call me ryuko or annie for short, and here i am on this crazy site known as maiotaku. Yes i go to college and im studying to become an animator and succeeded finishing kill la kill ryuko is my favorite character. So i came here to discover the world of otakus and geek culture. I'm not looking for a relationship but im very glad to meet everyone ^^.