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*dances around my room*I REALLY WANT TO LOVE SOMEBODY<3333 ARGH WIDE AWAKE .=/ <3333
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Haha yeah, but I prefer tulips, as I am originally from Amsterdam :)
Mar 06, 14 at 5:10pm
Sorry for not looking in my friend request I just add you so message me when you get a chance
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Mar 05, 14 at 10:20pm
You used each other? hmm? lol "mighty bird finger" lol (brings big smile to my face) I DO VERY FINE! Now that I'm more or less done with a HUGE excess of pokemon stuff......MAN that was tiring lol how about you?
<333333 yup i TOTALLY agree DUDE!!!! 100 PERCENT ^^
amg you mean my driver licence OTL.... been holding it off for years now years... welp anoth millenium won't hurt e.e BACKK TO STUDYING
lol xD VIDEO CHAT too and microphone chatting it like the sims 3 and playstion home and gta mix cause you can actually um >.> <.< beep someone on it perfect for long distance dating and tons of anime fans and worlds you can even make real money from it it pretty cool im a new users on it soo im still trying tto make my body shape and make clohes and such ehh but over 20 million people on it around the world ehhh it different....but im trttyingt it out you even got radio and ec look itt up on youtube