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AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc
AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc

18℃ here

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Heya~ is that your phone in your pfp? :o

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc it was a 8 years a go

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc sorry did you mean the Profile picture or in the photo galery ?

elhaym @elhaym The profile picture :)

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc the phone in my profile picture it was in 1986 with my 3600baud/s BBS server

elhaym @elhaym Interesting! I can remember when I used those phone in my childhood. Old memories comes up.

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc 2years after we got 56k/s

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc Make me feel old

elhaym @elhaym I think it needed a bit in Germany after we got those modems. I was... 12 or 13 I mean.

elhaym @elhaym I assume you're working with tech stuff? :)

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc yep from home now

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc the only difference I now can work but naked

elhaym @elhaym Yeah me too. HO is so important right now - and I'm glad that I can work from home (since months now) - even I wish I could just go back to the company

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc I can't imagine the risk you could just to go outside
In the region where i live we have only 48 case

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc country side

elhaym @elhaym Yeah, I have seen that Canada has a significant low infection rate - German peeps are being stupid again instead. I honestly don't want a second wave here >.<

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc Did you took a look at my neighbor?

elhaym @elhaym Do you mean country wise? Yeah, America is #1 and I'm about it.

elhaym @elhaym *sorry

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc At this time he is the most Dangerous men on earth

elhaym @elhaym unfortunately - I must agree

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc We should build a wall and make them pay lol

elhaym @elhaym I have seen a video where many people in America are refusing to wear a mask. I'm shocked about it. On the other side - I have spoken to Americans who are afraid as well what's happening in their country.

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc we have some protester in ur main Métropole

elhaym @elhaym Really? I didn't expect that. We have some idiots as well here, but that's not many - well... some/many are very stupid if they doesn't follow the AHA rule here.

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc I'm not including the Karen and keven yet lol

elhaym @elhaym you're not? :o oh my, that must be alot then

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc Ontario is the worst for them as seen on r/entitledparents

elhaym @elhaym oh my.. I wanted to immigrate to Toronto in Ontario (if the pandemic is over then... duck pandemic)

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc I do like Toronto a lots to but you sure can observe Karen in the Wild here

elhaym @elhaym I thought that were wild Pokemon who appears in the US

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc over reproduction and to many manager
maybe migration cycle mix in this too

elhaym @elhaym I bet they mixed it up with Minecraft

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc ^^

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc ?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=dyvsNEYcqQUAX_mI_HT&_nc_ht=scontent.fymq2-1.fna&oh=dcd25a5b37218bd48707ab302d6990fd&oe=5F4B8A55

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc event Naturist have to wear mask

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc The Wall @elhaym is Complet

elhaym @elhaym ohhh my :D

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc
AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc
As a introvert I was already in quarantine be for Covid hit
Sparkling Water with El

AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc
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Sparkling Water with El
AnonQC-Yuuki @anonqc
18°c here