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Noire @noiresama
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Noire @noiresama
a fellow roleplayer :o

TheAthleticWeeb @theathleticweeb
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TheAthleticWeeb @theathleticweeb
"gacha does it for me"
Honestly, I felt that deep. No worse pain than rolling for Zhongli at the last minute, getting a 5 star, and losing the 50/50 T.T

rushil16 @rushil16
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rushil16 @rushil16
Do you watch Naruto?
Alone on a Saturday night? Same.

aneres @aneres
Alone on a Saturday night? Same.
aneres @aneres
Hi I found this website while procrastinating on an essay I'm supposed to be writing. Don't ask, don' worry, I'll get it done but if anybody wants to talk to me in the meantime that'd be grand.
Or if you're into reverse psychology, absolutely don't talk to me.
Or if you're into superstitions, talk to me now and good luck will find you. Probably. :)
Hope I can make some friends here! : D