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New here

alpacaman @alpacaman
New here
alpacaman @alpacaman
Hey all, I stumbled on this site and decided to try it out since I kinda don't really have people irl to talk about anime and games with, really. Hope everyone's doing well, especially with everything going on in the world nowadays.
What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?

alpacaman @alpacaman
commented on
What was the very first console you owned and first video game you played?
alpacaman @alpacaman
That's hard to remember, but the first game I ever played (I think) was Street Fighter Alpha 2 on the SNES. Either that or Marvel VS Capcom on PS1. The first console I ever actually OWNED though was a 360 (was all over Street Fighter 4 and a bunch of others) since my brothers owned all of the consoles we had growing up.