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drmario @drmario
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drmario @drmario
I'm jealous, wish I could feel lazingly great. And a hamburger sounds good too. But I've spent most of the last 7 hours cramming for a test tomorrow.
Sounds like you really enjoy Rpgs. For as much as I like them I've somehow managed to never play anything from the Tales or Persona series. Some of my favorite games are Kingdom Hearts, Grandia, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Star Ocean, LoZ: Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons/Ages, Ys, Pokemon, Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Mega Man. My tastes are somewhat outdated.

v_crow @v_crow
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v_crow @v_crow
so wats your type of nerd, dork, otaku if dont mind me asking

Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
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Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
hi, nice to meet you, you info made me smile,how are you doing? :3

akiyan @akiyan
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akiyan @akiyan
Yay anime/video game buddy! :D *shakes hands* And as for Dark Souls ... no thanks ;_______; It helped me how to appreciate night lights and mornings better. ;_______; But with Dark Souls 2 coming out, I'm going to have to conquer my fear of Dark Souls! I'll play it when the sun is up xD

akiyan @akiyan
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akiyan @akiyan
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm new too and welcome! Dark Soul scares me and I haven't played it in months. ;__; Wah. Oh well, let's be friends! :DD