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Last online over 2 years ago
Sherflow @sherflow left a comment for Aerone
Jun 01, 16 at 3:08am
What are you doing up so late?
Sherflow @sherflow Or early, whatever
Shebang @bonfiyah left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 10:22pm
I must force the Hawaiian Pizzas in your mouth. • - • You will enjoy them and you will like em. If I get arrested for assault with pizza, it'll be worth it. (• u •) I always get Char Siu. I'm soooo addicted to it. Favorite metal band?
Shebang @bonfiyah left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 10:08pm
You should make em. :0 Chop up some onions and BAM! A holy food in your hand. What kind of Chinese food do you normally order?
Shebang @bonfiyah left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 9:35pm
Oh, I like pineapples on mine. :'D Have you ever had hotdogs with bacon wrapped around it?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 7:41pm
Volibear is op is what he is XD every match with volibear he always wrecks the other team. I was actually getting trundle and maybe azir (azir is a mid laner right? I wanna try mid for once. Then i wanna get illaoi TwT 17,400 ip in total orz im only on 5,675
Bunnyman @taiyou I used to run a not lane with a Volibear Lux combo....that poor jungler....
Bunnyman @taiyou And sorry...saw league talk and jumped in..I'll leave now *runs off*
Sherflow @sherflow left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 7:40pm
Nah, not worth the back ache.
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 6:58pm
That's what a backdoor Tryndamere is for...... #RoadToDiamond
Sherflow @sherflow left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 4:42pm
You have tardis breasts?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 4:04pm
Yeah i use that for builds sometimes XD but the guides are a little confusing i sort of learn through experience. I test builds out in bots before going to pvp. But tbh i dont play pvp anymore. Im sort of looking for other champs tp play first. Garen is a nice top laner but the counters are real
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Aerone
May 31, 16 at 2:30pm
The highest Ap item to my knowledge would be deathcap at around 120 Ap. Then there is another for 100 Ap. I bet if i got just straight ap in like a 40 min game i can take your life in like 2 hits. But i just bought teemo and i wasnt sure how to play him i just used a build i saw another teemo using. Im sort of new to the whole ability power user thing. I normally play tanks like garen and darius (but im not really good at darius yet XD) garen i am i have almost 90k mastery i have been playing him since the moment i joined league no garen can beat me yet