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Sep 20, 13 at 9:28pm
When my penis orgasms, it's more like it drools semen, instead of shooting it.
Sep 20, 13 at 9:45pm
To be fair, the title does say it's mature content
I'm -5inches.
who measures? clearly tornadomushroom but why what the hell, i have no idea what i am nor do i care.
o_O Clearly you didn't catch my sarcasm. None the less since no one wants to play the Devil's Advocate, i will. If you have a big dong then chances are, you know it's big. Boasting on the forums about how big your dong is not going to attract any women. Even if you try to do it in a subtle way, in which the OP did. If your dong isn't big and you're talking about, you're letting your insecurity get the best of you and girls don't like that. SO! Size matters to some girls and some girls don't care. Tada!
Sep 22, 13 at 8:13pm
@tornadomushroom Well the chances went in the opposite direction this time then,(assuming your referring to me with the "OP" comment) I have/had no idea really one way or another (probably due to the reason I don't hang around with a bunch of guys ragging/bragging/joking about who's bigger) plus I'm not that good enough to try and "do it in a subtle way" That aside this topic has turned into something amusing (reading wise), if not of a crass nature, though I will point out it isn't the first crass nature topic I've seen here/still see.
@Animekid As i said, if you have a big dong, chances are, you know it's big. We've all got a grasp of what is big and what is not. Don't play the game of never being around people who brag about it or joke about it lol. Not knowing big from small is like saying that you don't know wrong from right lol.
Sep 22, 13 at 9:17pm
^ Music to my ears
Sep 22, 13 at 9:41pm
@tornadomushroom I'm the introvert who doesn't talk to others and doesn't like going to parties because they have no reason to be there, I only recently went from having 1 friend to 3 friends in the state I've lived in for 5 years now. I think that alone is a good enough basis with avoiding other people to say that I wouldn't have much of an idea of "what's what" size wise aside from surfing the internet or something like that... And for the part about not knowing right from wrong. When I was around twelve or thirteen I gathered all the kids in the neighborhood that I didn't like in my backyard, locked the gate and chased them all with a knife because I thought it would be fun. Okay, now I'm kinda just coming off as an ***hole.
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