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@Kid http://pm1.narvii.com/5984/ce48293c745c6db5c45db4f78942eaa575f6cb6a_hq.jpg
Alrighty... Confessions.. Well, i've never opened up to anyone I know outside this site about my sexuality. It's not that i'm worried or anything.. just that I kinda think it's unnecessary to tell my family about my messed up mind when they don't really need to know right now. http://pa1.narvii.com/5900/bbdaf6fcba77c71289594adce0c514a7ecf8ddff_hq.gif
May 28, 16 at 12:30pm
@Hans Don't worry. I've only come out to a small amount of people. If people'd ask me, I wouldn't lie, but I don't incline on running around and announcing my bisexuality. I'm so much more than 'that bisexual guy from Psychology' It doesn't define me as a human being, so I don't really feel the need to spread the word really
May 28, 16 at 12:33pm
No one knows that im actually a lesbian
@Sanfi, Thanks for the encouraging words, I greatly appreciate it. I can remember when I was younger, thinking "Well I must be straight because I like girls.. Nothing wrong with having a slight crush on one or two close guys.. I trust them so I must obviously value them above others.." It's just another day in paradise.. @Panda, I knew it! ;3
May 28, 16 at 12:43pm
@Panda I think we all knew, somewhere deep down. It's alright, sis ^^
May 28, 16 at 12:44pm
@hans im sorry but i think girls are sexy i cant help it But yeah man i mean if you like both girls and guys nothing wrong with that. I dont feel you need to tell anyone cause its not really important its the same as being straight no one really asks you "hey you like girls right?"
May 28, 16 at 12:46pm
@sanfi im a lesbian trapped in a guys body. i desire to do yuri but im bound to these male body parts
May 28, 16 at 12:47pm
@Panda Gotta safe yourself some dough for a nice cooch, right?
May 28, 16 at 12:53pm
Yeah man hard being broke and trying to save money for a new cooch. but once i get it, im off to fondling breasts and doing the yuri...hardcore yuri only hardcore yuri http://i.imgur.com/crZmHN5.jpg
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