Anyone here play Elsword?

Kitrane @kayleb
Anyone here play Elsword?
Kitrane @kayleb
If you do and want another friend add ma: Kitrane lvl 24 Weapon Taker

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Anyone here play Elsword?
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Hm I play but not at the moment. Waiting for Elesis and the other new character to come IGN: DemonNemesis- Code Nemesis

Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
commented on
Anyone here play Elsword?
Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
Haven't played it in a while cuz I wanna getting my graphics card replaced and tales of xillias and now kingdom hearts won't let me play it lol
Ign: GamerYoshi infinity sword
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