Dragon's Crown

kuragari @kuragari
Dragon's Crown
kuragari @kuragari
For players of Dragon's Crown

kuragari @kuragari
commented on
Dragon's Crown
kuragari @kuragari
So I have a lvl 35 Amazon and have been playing solo with no party members for fun while I grind out the quests.

DemonGod @demongod
commented on
Dragon's Crown
DemonGod @demongod
I need to make more time to play this. So far, I've only had the game in twice and I have a level 5 or 6 Amazon. I have another guy who played it with me who uses a Dwarf. It's been pretty fun, not to mention beautiful, so far, though.

dragonrage @dragonrage
commented on
Dragon's Crown
dragonrage @dragonrage
Dwarf is fun people seem to not like you picking up their juggling target and tossing it away though.

S @sugihara
commented on
Dragon's Crown
S @sugihara
Been playing this at my friend's house. I think it's a little overrated for what it is, but I enjoy it. I've got a level 20 or so elf.

kuragari @kuragari
commented on
Dragon's Crown
kuragari @kuragari
Yeah the dwarf grab can be pretty obnoxious, especially since it doesn't do that much damage/time. They definitely could have started with a harder mode available. I beat the 2nd hardest boss solo. Granted that's with the level cap for normal, but still, too easy for me.
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