Being Abandoned
Tiger Festival @animeboy
Being Abandoned
Tiger Festival @animeboy
Yeah I've been abandoned by someone who I thought was my best friend, he left me for his friends at the church he goes to, and it's because of that, I want nothing to do with church or anything of the sort. I feel so alone and worthless and what's worse is no one wants to talk to me. Sigh sometimes I wish I could just disappear D:
Terumi @terumi
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Being Abandoned
Terumi @terumi
Hey now buddy don't feel like that, the world is cruel no doubt. But keep on pushing to show your stronger and for that people that will matter. If you need someone to talk to buddy, i'll talk.
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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Being Abandoned
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
one should never give up on the world, as you never know what tomorrow will bring.
yes there are truly bad and upsetting people who use you, but there are also people who will truly care and wonder about you
feel free to friend me if you need/want
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Being Abandoned
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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