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convention religious soap-boxers

It really is a complete shame, but it is also life, sadly enough. D: People shove their ideas onto others who they think 'can be saved'. At the same time, if someone doesn't understand it I can se a bit of the worry as well. My own mother thought it had something to do with being satanic when I first tried to explain it to her. XD I guess it's the fact that people jump to conclusions majoriy of the time.
Seeing things like this makes the world so depressing. I know so many people who are religious and adore anime and cosplay. The thing is people assume that those who enjoy anything fantastic or science fiction is immediately an atheist (and there is the tendency to put atheism and agnosticism together) because they substitute their fantasy for a God. I think that's total bull, but it just goes to show how narrow-minded some people can be. But I can understand how they would relate the two, but I don't think it's right to assume all cosplayers or whoever are all "against" a god. I know a friend who wasn't able to watch Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon as a child because her mother thought it was satanic. (Seriously? How could that possible be?!) So, she'd sneak to my house and watch it. :D
Pokemon was satanic, the power of pikachu compels you. But now that I think about otaku literally means fanatic. You could apply to just about any fixation. So I say more power to the religious otaku. Passion is passion, reguardless of how missguided.
I have a long running love affair with Anime and with God. Nut jobs like you describe come from churches that have God in a box (all figured out). They usually end up either drinking coolaid or burning witches. My God is not threatened by Anime. He's a lot bigger than that.
I should get on a religious soapbox at a con. I'll tell everyone to go and hug the person next to them and hug them. Spread the love of Jesus!
I do not believe in anything unless their is solid proof that it exists. I dont believe in evolution and i dont believe in god. I dont waste my time on such things. God is a security blanket, humanities explanation for the unknown Look at it this way If you were born without anyone telling you god existed or there being no bible. God would not exist to you Parents and community teach children these things. However even if god did not exist to you, there is a chance you would make your own god, to explain why you are here. Because for some reason humanity needs to know why they exist? I for one would rather spend my time reading manga and watching anime TYVM oh and sorry if i offended anyone this is just my opinion on the whole matter im the smartass who goes up to the soapbox christian asking him tons of questions, gaining his trust then telling him i worship satan
my response to a christian telling me i'm going to hell: "look I believe that jesus is my savior. i take his teachings and use them in my life. but from what you are telling me, apparently my faith is misguided and Christ's sacrifice was in vain, because i'm pretty sure HE died for our sins. past present and future. so in conclusion, F*%& YOU AND F*%& YOUR COUCH!!!!"
well im not sure i would F**k him or F**k his couch. I would probably mind crush him and then take his couch if it was comfy. But F**k him nooooo i dont even know him. And im not into F**king inanimate objects
why wouldn't you fork him..... forks can hurt people
oh believe me key they can, they can i can kill a man in 20 ways with a fork ill have you know
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