Glasses on men

augos @augos
Glasses on men
augos @augos
Do you likem, hatem, or don't care either way?
If you like them, are there certain frames that you fancy?

S @sugihara
commented on
Glasses on men
S @sugihara
Men with glasses are so sexy yo.

ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Glasses on men
ロイ @wallace614
That sounds weird coming from a man with glasses

S @sugihara
commented on
Glasses on men
S @sugihara

stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
commented on
Glasses on men
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
lol @ this topic.

augos @augos
commented on
Glasses on men
augos @augos
@sac Jealllloussss~
You can get fake ones for a few bucks if you want them that bad B)

. @mendermind1
commented on
Glasses on men
. @mendermind1
A man with glasses ....all the panties that will drop for him...he will be unstoppable.

xueli @xueli
commented on
Glasses on men
xueli @xueli
I think it depends on like your facial features and what kind of frames and if they suit. Ya know? That's why they have you try frames in store, so you can see what works for you :P

Elizabeth @anjukuran
commented on
Glasses on men
Elizabeth @anjukuran
I love guys who wear glasses, and then we... let stick to kiss, when we kiss he has to take them off, its so cute...

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
Glasses on men
Amezuki @amezuki
Yes, kissing. That's when it's necessary to take them off. Kissing.
On the lips.
...the mouth, I mean.
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